
Investments in securities market are subject to market risks. Registration granted by SEBI and certification from NISM in no way guarantee performance of the intermediary or provide any assurance of returns to investors. We do not provide any guaranteed profit or fixed returns or any other services. We charge fixed fees and do not operate on any profit sharing model. We are not responsible for any financial loss or any other loss incurred by the client. Please be fully informed about the risk and costs involved in trading and investing. Please consult your investment advisor before trading. Trade only as per your risk appetite and risk profile. Trading in options is risky due to its volatile nature. Upon accepting our service, you hereby accept that you fully understand the risks involved in trading.

Performance Disclaimer

Past performance of advise/strategy/model does not indicate the future performance of any current or future strategy/model and actual returns may differ significantly from that depicted herein due to various factors including but not limited to impact costs, expense charged, timing of entry/exit, timing of additional flows/redemptions, individual client mandates, specific portfolio construction characteristics etc. There is no assurance or guarantee that the objectives of any strategy/model or advice provided by the Rsesearch Analyst will be achieved.

Service availability

Our service is available till the subscribtion is active. Once the subscription is expired, service will be terminated immediately.

Free Tips/Recommendations

Many times, we share our views on various stocks in different social media platforms. Group members can refer those as a filter only for educational purpose. Group members in social media must take advise from their financial advisor before taking any trade.

No Guarantee ROI Policy

We do not offer any guarantee based services on ROI in terms of daily/weekly/monthly/yearly. Traders & Investors must aware of the risk associated in stock market.

Data Privacy

Data of customers are remain secured with us. Neither the customers data is going to be shared with any other party in any manner.

Payment Details Security

We donot keep any customer's payment source data like Credit Card Number, Debit Card Number, Bank Account Details with us. We are using Razor Pay for payment process.

Payment Refund Policy

Any amount paid, is not refundable at any cirumstances at any point of time.

Free Training

We provide free training to Life Time Members only. Users can allocate free training on weekends by contacting our support team.

No Profit Sharing

We do not run any profit-sharing based scheme. All subscriptions are in pre-paid mode only.

Cancellation of Subscription

Please maintain proper communication while communicating with our support team. Any subscription will be cancelled on non-payment of any due, abusive message of any kind, etc. Payment made towards subscription will not be refunded.

Change in Terms & Conditions

We reserve complete rights to change Terms & Conditions for using our services at any point of time with or without any prior notification.

Contact Us

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Whatsapp: +91 8260312707